Demodicosis in cat

Case history

Puffy is a 1 y old stray cat.

Regular tick an flea control with Broadline, regular vacsinations.

The problems of the cats apears 6 months ago:

Sever pruritus, hypotrichosis and allpetia, ulcerations in difrient parts of the skin.

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Multiple treatment:

Antibiotics, steroids, antifungal vaccinations and hydrolyzed diet (royal canin analergenic and purina hypoallergenic) No effect at all.

Case presentation.

The cate came to the clinic at 23.06.2020.

At that moment it was with acute pruritus, allopetia, hypotrichosis, ulcerations of the skin, a little bit waxy ears, low appetite for last two weeks.

The cat have negative FIV / FelV test, normal CBC, biochemistry unremarkable.

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Diferentials :

Atopic dermatitis /Food allergy

eosinophil granuloma complex



Diagnostic approach :

Citology –Cooci bacteria ,neutrophils and just a few eosinophils

Trichogram :

Folicular casts and demodex cati

Deep skin scraping –Multiple demodex mites .

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Treatment :

Credelio every month .

After seconde credelio the cat was adopted in Germany so we don’t see her in the end of treatment ,but the ownrs says that her skin is perfect now .

Conclusions :

Demodecosis is cats is less common compare to dogs ,but always have to be in diferentilas in cats with pruritus and waxy ears .

It could be with very pleomorphic clinic and always should be performed deep skin scrapyng if we suspect  demodecosis .


Luba Gancheva