


United Veterinary Clinic

Varna, Bulgaria


Old Dogs with sudden onset of seizures


The 1st clinical case is about 13 years old, castrated Belgian shepherd with acute onset of cluster seizures. Before 5 years the dog was operated ( total mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy) , because of mammary gland tumor.  Another vet made the blood analysis and there is no change in laboratory results. Contrast MRI study  was performed.

MRI findings:1 2 3 4

There are two, oval shaped, T1 hypo- and T2 hyperintense,  intraaxial mass lesion with cystic component. One is in right piriform lobe and another one is in the left olfactory bulb/ frontal lobe. The masses nonuniformly enhances following contrast administration, with more intense enhancement peripherally.  Mass effect with mild brain edema surrounding the lesions is present.5 6


Thoracic x-ray show :7

Multifocal nodules with soft tissue opacity in lung parenchyma

The reason of seizures are  metastatic brain tumors in  the right piriform lobe and in the left olfactory bulb and there are multifocal metastatic nodules in the lungs. Although the dog was operated ,  the primary mammary gland tumor is the reason of this condition

There is no feedback with the owner about dog`s condition.



Next case is about a 9 years, female, not castrated Labrador retriever with acute onset of cluster seizures. The dog present  proprioceptive deficit on the right fore and hind limb. There is no history of previous seizures.  By abdominal palpation mammary gland mass was find.

There is no change in the blood analysis.

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MRI findings:

There is   oval shaped T1, T2 mixed intensity mass in the parietal part of left cerebral hemisphere with surrounding brain edema. Mass margins are well defined on T2. Peripherally enhancing following contrast administration is present with mass effect and midline shift to the right

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Thoracic x-ray show multiple oval shaped masses with soft tissue opacity


In this case we have the same condition. The metastatic lung and brain disease are due the primary mammary gland tumor.

The dog`s owner prefer to euthanized the dog, because the seizures getting longer and stronger.








The last case is about a 9 years, not castrated, female Jack Russell terrier with depressed mental status from a month and acute onset of seizures. The dog reacted with hypersensitivity in right cranial nerves, proprioceptive deficit in left fore and hind limb and proprioceptive ataxia. MRI contrast study was performed. MRI findings:    17 18 19 20



There is a one, irregularly shaped, T1 hypo and T2- mixed intensity intraaxial mass involving the right midbrain. The mass intensely, but nonuniformly, enhances following contrastadministration. There is a mass effect and surrounding brain edema.

In this case there is no history of neoplastic disease. This midbrain mass has a characteristic of primary tumor and It is the cause of the seizures.   Every dog after 5 years of age, who presented with a new onset of seizures should be suspected for a brain tumor. The most common indication for brain tumor in dogs are seizures, especially seizures that began for the first time in a dog older than five years of age. Other signs suggestive for a brain tumor include abnormal behavior, vision problems, circling motions, uncoordinated movements and  lethargy.