1st Bulgarian Dermatology Congress , organised by BAVD

14612382_553114001550481_6070253379668782534_oFirst Congress of Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Dermatology held in 27-28th of April, 2017 at city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. There were more then 120 veterinarians from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Greece and Cyprus.

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Dr. Emmanuel Bensignor and Dr. Sebastian Viaud, who impressed the audience with the way information was provided, but also the way all the scientific information was presented so to be useful in every-day-practice. They   discussed which one is the best elimination diet, which medicine is effective in the control of canine atopic dermatitis and how to use them appropriately? How to do Desensibilisation therapy? How to perform biopsy from unusual places? How to recognize vasculite lesion and how to deal with it?18209350_640038969524650_2972147177502418052_o

Vets on The Balkans support BAVD submit one free ticket for 4th Latin American Congress of Veterinary Dermatology to be held in
Merida, Mexico from 13th to 16th of June 2018  and one free ticket for 4th Romanian Dermatology Congress , October, 2017. Their members are presenting clinical reports and the best one will win. All of the cases will be posted in the journal Vets on The Balkans.

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Dr Ana Maria Boncea, Vetderm Therapy in Bucharest, Romania


“I would like to thank you one more time for this opportunity. It was great event!! Congratulations for everything! See you soon!!”


Dr Daniela Bajenaru, Tazy Vet Veterinary Clinic in Bucharest, Romania


“Dear Luba, the 1st Bulgarian Veterinary Dermatology Congress was excellent, the lecturers gave us a lot of useful information and the organization was great!”


Dr Adriana Cosma, Conforvet on Bucharest, Romania.


“ Hi Luba! I wanted to tell you that we thank you for everything…we had wonderful time. We liked very much the BAVD Congress and the city of Plovdiv!”



The team of Vets on The Balkans congratulated BAVD for the high professional level of organizing and the brilliant scientific program.


daniDr Daniela Bajenaru

Tazyvet veterinary clinic

Bucharest, Romania


Singalment and hystory


Bella, presented on 12/13/2016

10 year old, female, Labrador retriever

5 month history of polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and pruritus


Physical examination


Abdominal enlargement

Palpable hepatomegaly

Thin, hypotonic skin, easy bruising



Calcinosis cutis over the dorsal neck, thorax and rump

Bacterial pyoderma




6 1 unnamed7




8 9 4 10




Coagulation time

Serum chemistry panel

Trichogram, scoch test

Bacteriological examination

ACTH stimulation test


Laboratory results

Ultrasound- hepatomegaly

Urinalysis – low specific gravity (1.005)

Coagulation time – 5’

Serum chemistry panel: GPT -361,  ALP>1980, CHOL- 215, CREA -0,587, UREA -25,2

Trichogram/ scoch test – no significant findings

Bacteriological ex. – Staphylococcus aureus  (++++)

Basal cortisol level  > 10 µg

ACTH stimulation test – cortisol= 29,4 µg/dl






TRILOSTANE -120 mg once daily

Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid -12,5 mg/kg/12h, 30 days


Topical: – moisturizing and desinfectant shampoo, once weekly

– antiseptic, anti inflammatory and healing gel, once daily

EFA supplements

Diet: low fat


After 3 days of topical treatment


After 3 days

Basal cortisol level      > 10 µg/dl


After first bathing





After 7 weeks basal cortisol – 5,3 µg/dl


After 7 weeks basal cortisol – 5,3 µg/dl


The evolution to be continued ….

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in cat


Dr Iva Nikolova

Dr Iva Nikolova 

Veterinary Clinic Dobro Hrumvane

Sofia,  Bulgaria




Cutaneous asthenia  has also been called  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), Dermal fragility syndrome, Dominant collagen dysplasia and Dermatosparaxis. EDS  is a group of inherited connective tissue diseases ,characterized by defects in collagen production. This results in a variety of clinical signs including loose, hyperextensible, fragile skin,  joint laxity and other connective tissue dysfunctions. Clinical signs include fragile skin from the time of birth, wounds that heal with thin scars, delayed wound healing, pendulous skin, hematoma and hygroma formation.797fdd08-babf-4af0-9124-fef85d0b13cbd596bb7d-7962-4e16-90d5-5bee9a19ef48521b849f-40cf-48c2-9054-58b2949e8e5f


The case:


Lucko, 7-month-old shorthair male mix breed cat, was represented to the clinic with  uveitis, alopecia and multiple skin ulcerative wounds, located in the regions of the dorsum, thorax and head. He was treated for few months with antibiotics, ointments and corticosteroids with no success. The skin of the cat was extremely extensible and very fragile. It was very easy for the skin to be torn but with no bleeding at all. The cat had to be handle with gentle touch and care.

The diagnostic work-up included a complete blood count, blood serum biochemistry panel  and urinalysis to rule out any internal disease associated with these skin lesions. CBC showed mild leucocytosis (white blood cell count: 19.5 x 10^9, reference range: 5.0 x 10^9 –18.9 x 10^9). In biochemistry analisys the changes were CK – 225 U/L (reference range: 17.00 – 150.20 U/L) and LDH – 427 U/L (reference range: 35.10 – 224.90 U/L).

The rapid test of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and Feline Leukemia Virus (IDEX FIV/FeLV) were found to be negative. Feline Herpes Virus PCR – negative. Dermafyt KRUUSE test – negative. Microbiology of skin lesions – negative. The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test – negative for Cushing disease.


During the  long-lasting treatment all the wounds healed well and Lucko was sent home. Few days later he was brought again with new skin lacerations.DSC_6291980721_1678618725745068_3290500551826602685_o


Punch biopsy of the skin was performed together with dr Rares Capitan and sent for histological investigation in Romania. The histopathologic findings were compatible with Feline Cutaneous Asthenia.




Feline Cutaneous Asthenia is a rare, inherited disorder of collagen production in cats. There is no cure, but consistent management can allow affected cats to have long life. Owners should be trained to handle the affected cat with gentleness and to avoid traumas.



Demodex injai associated with Anaplasma spp and epiteliotrophic lymphoma in a 9 year old male Akita

Case report


Dr Alberto M Cordero


*VETDERM: Dermatologia Veterinaria Especializada, Guadalajara, Mexico
Assistant professor Department of Veterinary Medicine, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biologicas y Agropecuarias, University of Guadalajara; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

A male non neutered 9 year-old Akita was presented with alopecic focal crusty lesions on rear and front limbs. Hemorrhagic lesions were observed on the front limb and history of tick infestation was provided by the owner. Ulcerative and nodular lesions were present on the right lateral aspect of the face. Skin scraping revealed presence of Demodex injai. .2014-01-28 19.20.56 ELISA rapid testing IDEXX 4DX was performed to confirm tick borne disease revealing positivity to Anaplasma spp. 2014-01-28 19.21.102014-01-28 19.21.302014-01-28 19.22.302014-01-28 19.14.152014-01-28 19.14.02Skin biopsies were taken from the face and abdomen revealing large atypical lymphocytes with epitheliotrophism consistent with epitheliotrophic lymphoma. The patient was presented one month later with pleural effusion, euthanasia was performed.

A male non-neutered 9 year old Akita was presented with history of focal crusty lesions. Due to his geographic origin from the North of Mexico close to the border with the United States and comments from the owner about tick infestation an ELISA SNAP 4dx plus test (Idexx) was performed.

SNAP test was positive to Anaplasma spp.

CBC showed no abnormalities.

Cutaneous lesions observed include, crusty and erythematous lesions in the abdominal regions, crusts, erosion and ulceration in the muzzle and petechial and ecchymosis in the front left limb.

A deep skin scraping was performed revealing the presence of long body Demodex compatible with Demodex injai.

Treatment with weekly Doramectin at 0.5mg/kg was started in conjunction with Doxycycline at 10mg/kg per day.

After 5 weeks of treatment owner reported depression and decrease of food ingestion, also, the appearance of new lesions in the muzzle region. Physical examination show nodular and plaque erythematous formations in the face and ventral region.

Cytology by fine needle aspiration was performed revealing atypical lymphocites characterized by cluster aggrupation, anisocytosis, and prominent nucleoli.2014-03-10 20.04.042014-03-10 20.04.082014-03-10 20.04.122014-03-10 20.04.152014-03-10 20.04.32

Three biopsies were taken using a 6mm punch biopsy and sent to dermatopathological examination. Results of the biopsy showed large atypical lymphocytes with epitheliotrophism consistent with epitheliotrophic lymphoma.

2 weeks later the patient was presented with pleural effusion and respiratory distress. Euthanasia was performed by owner request.IMG_1567


Demodectic mange may appear in a juvenile or adult onset presentation, as well as generalized or localized form. Patients with adult presentation should be screened in search for underlying conditions. In most cases underlying conditions will not be found. In order to control the disease, primary cause should be treated and corrected1.

Correct approach to dermatological conditions include a well-detailed clinical history and diagnostic test according to lesions found. We should be aware of perform all the diagnostic dermatological test we need, du to the fact, there are several dermatosis associated with secondary factors or associated conditions.


1.- Mueller, R. S., Bensignor, E., Ferrer, L., Holm, B., Lemarie, S., Paradis, M., & Shipstone, M. A. (2012). Treatment of demodicosis in dogs: 2011 clinical practice guidelines. Veterinary Dermatology, 23(2), 86–e21

2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV in Bucharest , Romania


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV

” What are the causes of hair loss? Focal and diffuse alopecia”


Professor David Lloyd – PhD, DipECVD


Anette Loeffler – DrMedVet PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS


John Hardy – DVM Dipl ECVD


Prof. Viorel Andronie


Dr. Rares Capitan, Resident ECVD

was the subject at 2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV in Bucharest, Romania. Speakers were : Professor David Lloyd – PhD, DipECVD; Anette Loeffler – DrMedVet PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS; John Hardy – DVM Dipl ECVD, Prof. Viorel Andronie, Dr. Rares Capitan – Resident ECVD, Dr. Boncea Ana-Maria – Resident ECVD, Daniela Enache – DVM. M.Sc. PhDS

The Romanian Veterinary Dermatology Society (SRDV) is an association founded in 2014 by eight veterinarians and university professors from different institutions, all of them driven by the same passion for Veterinary Dermatology.

All of the income and profits obtained from sponsorships, taxes, congresses and professional meetings, are dedicated to our current activities such as specific event organization, scientific and research activities and other initiatives of common interest for its members. The official language is Romanian.


Dr. Boncea Ana-Maria – Resident ECVD

SRDV is task oriented in publishing original studies realized with classic and modern methods in the field of Veterinary Dermatology and Dermatopathology and related departments, registering as a society who promotes professional and medical knowledge.


Daniela Enache – DVM. M.Sc. PhDS

Also, The Romanian Veterinary Dermatology Society (SRDV) is oriented towards forming and promoting opinions about the research made in the field of Veterinary Dermatology and it is engaged as well in maintaining a dialogue or sharing thoughts about the research and its impact on the Dermatology practice.

Our goals include improving our clinical experience, organizing high quality scientific events attended by international figures from ECVD and ACVD, and publishing clinical cases or specific cases that need a special clinical approach. SRDV particularly addresses to veterinarians, but other professions related to this field are targeted as well.

At the same time, SRDV will translate in Romanian and offer to its members for medical guidance, different Guides of Procedures and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Protocols, known and recognized worldwide.

The team of Vets on The Balkans were guests at the congress and we would like to express our gratitude to SRDVand especially to Dr Rares Capitan!

Our colleague Dr Daniela Enche was a speaker there, proud of you!


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


Dr Robert Popa


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


Bulgarian vets at the congress

More info : http://www.srdv.ro/

Meeting with Dr Rares Capitan, DVM, resident ECVD


Dr Rares Capitan , DVM, resident ECVD

    1. When and how you decided to be veterinarian?

I was inspired by my mom and she implement this idea in my mind, as early as I was in elementary school. For me it was my one option. It was life a goal to achieve. I studied veterinary high school and the next step was Veterinary Faculty. Another personal motivation was my first dog. When I was 10 years old and he unfortunately  died of Parvovirosis. I was  promised to myself that I will try to save as many animals as I can.

     2.How did you choose Dermatology as your professional?

I think all started by frustration of dealing with dermatological cases in my clinic.      Because if you think about Dermatology, are more less the same. So can you figure it out what is going on with the patient and what is the right diagnosis.Of course, you need to have patience , to have detective way of thinking. I think everything started by attending workshop by Chiara Noli in Bucharest. Then I understood that this is what I wanted to do . The more I got into it, I could not stop. Now, here I am, traveling as a specialist.

3. Tell us ” the price ” to be professional veterinarian?

This a good and hard question. Everybody is first concern about the money. Because the learning in this level is very costly. From my experience , I cannot say is not a financial matter, but is not the most important thing to reach your dream. Time is the most precious thing , because you need to learn, to prepare yourself for the mentor and college expectations. This is far beyond of my initial expectations.

To do residency at european level you need to be 200% motivated , 200% dedicated, 200% willing to succeed  and more less leave everything aside. But at the end I know it will worthy.

4. Tell us about your Dermatology Association in Romania?

I am very proud about our association. I think, the biggest goal is to bring international high level of science and practice of veterinary dermatology, closer to our region. I think SRDV (Romanian Society of Veterinary Dermatology) is starting to do that. We are young society, but we already had our first annual congress with 300 participants, 2 workshops and we plan to do 2 more this summer. We are organizing the second big annual congress in October this year. For future plans we want to spread the knowledge over other countries on the Balkans, where I know, there are vets , who  need to be part of our society. So we are open to welcome any vet from the Balkan to join us, whoever wants to get involve and join our spirit.

5.Which are negative and positive things to be vet on the Balkans?

Let’s start with the negative. We are depending of our countries economically substantial difference between our general practice level and this one in Western Europe. But there are a lot of good enthusiastic people who want to learn more and align the way of practice and knowledge.

6. Would you like to share with us your future plans?

Of course, I want to finish my residency and pass my exam. I want to build first dermatological clinic in our region. Another big dream of mind, is to have my own residents from the Balkans. So they continue this win. I am already looking for highly motivated vets that want to do performance.

7. What do you thin about Vets on The Balkans?

I think is a good interesting idea. I really hope that this project will  continue for a long time and collect many vets as want to share their experience. So the whole community from the Balkans will progress in a good way.


Dr Rares Capitan, DVM , resident in ECVD

He graduated in 2006 at Faculty in Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest , Romania. He is member of ESVD- Europian Society of Veterinary Dermatology.

He passionate about all areas related to veterinary dermatology services to elevated to international standards.

Founder member and President of SRDV – Romanian Society of Veterinary Dermatology

He is passionate about all areas related to veterinary dermatology services to elevated to international standards