Plasma cell pododermatitis, an imune-mediated dermatosis

27657905_1767922679940615_5207571160505979701_nDr. Nadasan Giulia
VetPoint Vest
Arad, Romania 
Patient: Mufi

Species: feline
Age: 6 years
Environment: household with 15 other cats
Clinical findings: soft, scaly swelling of all the 4 paws, one of them apears with crusts.Only the footpads were afected. The lesions appear to be painful, no pruritus.
Diagnosis: plasma cell pododermatitis, an imune-mediated dermatosis
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Frequency: rare
Cause: it is idiopatic but asociated with FIV infection
Treatment: steroids.
first 4 days prednisolon-acetate 4 mg/kg i.m, next 7 days at home metilprednisolone 2 mg/ kg