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Dr Ates Barut with 3 beautiful romanian vets in Petcode Veterinary Clinic

What means the words “work ethic “?
I am sure, everyone has different answer. It depends, first you are employee or manager or owner of veterinary clinic.
If you are employee, for sure, you think about your relationship with your colleagues in the clinic, where you are working. May be you have “problems” with some of them. But it is so normal. Veterinarians on the Balkans, and not only, work a lot of hours. When we spend a lot of time with someone is so normal to have different points of view, because we are different people and we cannot be the same.
If you are manager or owner of veterinary clinic, you think about you colleagues, who are owners as well and they are your “competition”. It is again the same situation- “different people, different concepts”.
Veterinarians are more passionate, more ambitious, more powerful part of the humanity. Sometimes they are so purposeful in this, to be the most professional, to be the best. And we all forget that we all are at first people. We all have our own battles, our own fears, emotions problems, which are outside veterinary world. So, we all go to work every day with our “luggage”.12794640_1670287506578190_2957541388445004614_n1936380_1670287533244854_3334487040095222071_n
If we try to see with “the eyes” of the other, if we help and support each other , we all will live in better veterinary world.


Dr Robert Carst with the brilliant team of Blue Cross Veterinary Clinic

We are really proud and happy to announce that it happens on the Balkans. Dr Anca Cucos, Dr Bianca Bofan and Dr Gina Girdan, all of them PhD students in Veterinary Faculty in Bucharest, Romania, they are doing their internship at PetCode Veterinary Clinic in Ankara, Turkey. We would like to express our gratitude to the owner and main veterinarian Dr Ates Barut for the hospitability and for his “sharing” of knowledge and experience. Other veterinarian from Bucharest, Romania , Dr Robert Carst from Speedvet Veterinary Clinic starts his internship of Orthopaedy in Blue Cross Veterinary Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. We would like to express our gratitude to the owner Dr Borislav Georgiev and the whole brilliant team for everything!
You guys show us what means the words “SHARING IS CARING”
Lets be better people!

Luba Gancheva