

Dr Svetoslav Penchev

United Veterinary Clinic 

Varna, Bulgaria





Case is about a 6 months , male  cocker spaniel named  Michael.Michael was brought in the clinic from another city in very bad candition.The owners report for a trauma in cervical region.Radiography and neurological examinations were made. Results revealed –Tetraplegie and atalnto-axial instability.It was made a CBCT on cervical region.The image show C2-Fracture .3









Michael C2 fr et CCS 9Michael C2 fr et CCS 5Michael C2 fr et CCS 6Michael C2 fr et CCS 4Michael C2 fr et CCS 2It was maked a surgary to stabilize  cervical spine. Ten days after surgery Michael starts moving the pelvic limbs first and tries to stand on them. Twenty one days after surgary Micheal start to moving and thoracic limb  , but  have ataxia and destroys proprioception on his  four leg. Michael`s  recovery begin first with the hind limbs and then with the thoracic limbs .In human literature, the symptom in which the thoracic limb is in a dysfunctional state with minimal to no deficit in the pelvic limbs has been referred to as CCS (Central Cord Syndrome ). The spinal cords that travel to the pelvic limbs are minimally affected because the lesion is centralized in the cervical region, which only affects the thoracic limbs. In general, CCS has a good prognosis for functional recovery and its common etiology is traumatic disease in human medicine. CCS treatments with nonsurgical management include cervical spine restriction with a neck collar, rehabilitation followed by physical therapy and occupational therapy. Surgical management is provided for patients who cannot be treated by conservative management alone.


Michael C2 fr et CCS 10Michael C2 fr et CCS 8Michael C2 fr et CCS 11Michael C2 fr et CCS 12Michael C2 fr et CCS 13