Osteochondrosarcoma is an uncommon tumor that generally arises from the skulls of dogs (cranium, orbit, zygomatic arch, mandible, and maxilla) and can occasionally arise from the pelvis, ribs, and os penis. These tumors have a characteristic appearance on radiographs, CT, and MRI: generally the borders of the tumor are sharply demarcated with limited lysis of the adjacent bone, with a coarse granular density throughout. A popcorn-like appearance with stippled and heavily calcified or ossified regions has been described on survey radiographs.
Clinical signs are generally based on location and extent of the lesion; ranging from a palpable, fixed, and firm mass to pain on mouth opening for tumors involving the mandible and zygomatic arch, exophthalmos with infraorbital lesions, and neurologic abnormalities for tumors involving the cranium.
Cara, a one year unsterilized mallinois female bitch, from the age of 7 months beggin to develop in the fronto-parietal region a globular formation(fig.1-2-3)
.She came to our unity with neurological manifestations, ataxia, deviation, refusal to rise from the bottom, bilateral midriasis.
Blood analyzes where in optimal parameters. After performing the CT, a giant extra and intra-cerebral form was noticed, being the imaging feature of the osteocondrosarcoma. (Fig.4-5)
After consulting with the owner we decided surgery.
It was performed a large, circular craniotomy with a safety margin of one cm. The formation did not adhere to dura mater, only compressing the brain. (Fig. 6-7-8-9)
he bone reconstruction was accomplished with Collapat, a substrate of bone based on hydroxyapatite and collagen. (Fig.10)
Post operator evolution was good, 48 hours after the surgery the patient was recovered neurologically(Fig11). At six (Fig12)and 12 months post surgery,(Fig.13) Cara feels good, fully recovered.