Special education program
Learn ans Travel-Iva Novak, final year veterinary student from the University of Zagreb, Croatia
Iva Novak, a final year veterinary student from the University of Zagreb, Croatia share with us her amazing experience:
After living one year in a pandemic, I decided to take one last chance at an Erasmus adventure before graduating this summer. When I came to Padova, I first took a couple of days to explore the beautiful Prato della Valle, Palazzo Bo and the historic center; and also find my way to the clinic. The San Marco veterinary clinic and laboratory is located outside of the city itself, halfway from Padova to Vincenza, another beautiful Italian city. The location makes it available to clients and owners from all over Italy, but also Spain, France, Switzerland and the Balkans. It stretches over 50,000 square meters and 2 floors, with a terrace that gives a wonderful view of the nearby fields.
My first day I was greeted by Dr. Busato who gave me a tour of the clinic, which seemed like a spaceship to me, as I was impressed with magnetic name cards that opened the clinic’s doors! It was nice to put a face to the name of the person I had been messaging with to plan this whole visit, and as expected Dr. Busato was as nice and welcoming in person as she was over email. I am not the best Italian speaker but it turned out that there was no language barrier as everyone at the clinic spoke English and I had no trouble following cases.
To get me started, my first week I was put in the hospitalization ward; where each day one doctor is in charge, but the nurses are the true heart and engine, with over 100 cages, often full, and the nurses still know every patient’s quirks and details. The patients are divided into 6 rooms: for cats, dogs, dogs’ oncology, cats’ oncology, dogs’ infectious and cats’ infectious ward. The intensive care unit is separate and equipped with special beds for patients that can be moved to different areas of the clinic, specialized monitoring devices to provide optimal patient care and diagnostics, CPAP, continuous electrocardiographs, fresh gas and oxygen flow for each patient and round the clock care given by the amazing team lead by Dr. Rocchi. We gave hope and a fighting chance to every animal that walked through the clinic’s door and thanks to doctors Pelizzola, Grossi, Botto and Pallares I practiced my E-FAST skills, ultrasound volemic status assessment, wound management; and there was always good food at morning rounds.
The scale of the clinic is so that if I were to write about each department, this article would turn into a book! San Marco is a tertiary clinic so it provides patients with general medicine and specialist care in neurology, cardiology, nephrology, dermatology, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, nutrition, and behavior science but one of the most important departments there is radiology. I learned just how big of a part echography can play in disease diagnostics and control check-ups and I also spent one week studying CT diagnostics, which was a whole new world for me. I was lent literature to prepare since CT diagnostics weren’t a part of my studies at the University of Zagreb, and with the help of Dr Negro I was quickly able to follow and recognize pathologies in multiplanar reformatted reconstruction and three-dimensional volume renderings.
As a referral clinic they take in over 6000 patients a year, so cases were abundant but I learned even more during the weekly evening lectures and clinical cases presented almost daily by the clinic’s rotating and specialist interns. The clinic is research oriented, they publish around 30 peer reviewed papers every year and they also provide professional training, traineeships, specialised and rotating internships and residency with evening lectures, seminars and congresses that I have all been attending.
My morning would start in the staff kitchen, where I got to master my coffee-making skills with the instructions given to me by the clinic’s interns, and during lunch, we would exchange pasta recipes. In cardiology, Dr Ledda taught me how to use spectral, flow, and tissue doppler and being one of the doctors that can perform interventional radiology he taught me the theoretical part of it as well. Out of internal medicine, I had the honour of working with Dr Furlanello, Dr Zoia, and Dr Pantaleo. We would receive their own patients, as well as consultations and referrals from other clinics all over Italy.
Since my time there was short compared to the number of procedures they perform at the clinic, out of ophthalmology I was able to only attend one electroretinography on a Tibetan mastiff with SARD syndrome. During surgery week, I observed a TTT with trochleoplasty, nodulectomy with a flap, extrahepatic portocaval shunt closing with fluoroscopic portography and a correction of tibial varus among other procedures. I also helped perform bronchoscopy, rhinoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy with duodenoscopy, and uretroscopy. The endoscopy equipment was also used for intracervical artificial insemination, which was performed by a doctor Ferré.
In the end, one of the things you can’t miss when you first walk into the San Marco clinic is the big swimming pool that can be seen from the waiting room. It is used for physical therapy but I can’t say I didn’t see any of the staff jumps in just before it is supposed to be emptied. At physical therapy, they explained to me the history and progress of every patient and taught me how to use laser therapy in theory and practice along with applied hydrotherapy in the pool or the underwater treadmill.
Now, after 3 months, my adventure is coming to an end, I plan on visiting all the beautiful places in Veneto and surrounding regions I still haven’t seen, like Bologna, Verona and Milano.
I embarked on an Erasmus in the middle of the pandemic but I was lucky to be welcomed into an amazingly organized clinic, following the rules and measurements put in place, my Erasmus experience was barely affected by the pandemic. I am thrilled to have had this opportunity to meet amazing people who work in the same field as me. I can recommend San Marco Vet Clinic to colleagues that want either basic training or to further their skills with specialist grade education. Thank You to everyone who shared their knowledge with me. I will treasure it for a lifetime.
Learn and Travel… a new story from Bulgaria and Italy
Dr Plamena Boycheva from Bulgaria attended our program Learn and Trave with Vets on The Balkans in December 2019 with the support of Blue Sky Commerce and Clinica Veterinara Laggo Magiore.
Let her tell us more about her adventure:
“We all know that to be good vets and to provide the best possible care for our patients we need to be up to date with the newest, the most modern and well-used techniques in our everyday practice. Is there a better way to achieve that than being part of a Vet on the Balkans. Talking about pursuing that goal, I want to thank the whole team of Blue sky commerce and Vet on the Balkans.
I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to be part of the Lago Maggiore Clinic team, even for a week. After a few emails exchanged, I knew that I was going to the right place. I had no doubts regarding my safe journey and the organization of the trip. Let me tell you how I spent my time there:
In a late and rainy afternoon, I arrived at the airport in Italy, where I was greeted by Dr Sara Manfredini – an incredible person and anesthesiologist, who showed me handy tips in anaesthesia. Furthermore, I find out what a great spirit she has. I can easily say that she is the heart of the clinic; she has never stopped giving her passion for everything she has done. She was very supportive, and on the very same day, she arranged a tour around the clinic. I was impressed with the scale of the clinic. There are digital X-ray, CT, well-equipped laboratory room, endoscapy, ultrasound very well organized stationary. Of course, Dr Sara Manfredini was so kind as to order an Italian pizza for my first dinner there. Immediately I felt a friendly and warm atmosphere. Then I met Dr Jessica; rigorous and dedicated doctor. She was the person who showed the apartment where I would be staying and made my time there very easy; thank you, Jessica, for being so lovely and kind.
My colleagues had thought of everything, and the organization was incredible, like everything else that the team do. I can assure you that the atmosphere of this place is terrific.
The chief doctor at the time that I was there was Dr Mariangela De Franco, who has inspired my work. Also, she gave me essential pieces of advice on the field of echocardiography, in which I am very interested. She is not only a fantastic specialist but also a wonderful person. She has led her team with great love and warmth, which reflected on their overall work and attitude towards patients. A few days later, I had the honour to meet Dr Luigi Venko and Dr Luca Formaggini; Two exceptional people and doctors. With professionalism and humanity Dr Formagini, the head of the clinic is the inspiration of each member of the team. Everyone at the clinic has been dedicated and has taught many tricks in my day-to-day work. Besides the professional experience I had given, I also learned to cook some Italian dishes according to original recipes.
Although, I might not mention everyone: thank you, people, for your hospitality, your attitude and your guidance. Thank you for the spirit you carry. I wish I would have the opportunity to meet you again soon.”
Learn and Travel, new story! Dr Dana Stoian and her travel to Dr Murat Saroglu
Vets on The Balkans express their gratitude to Dr Murat Saroglu for the opportunity and being part of our team! Thank you Pamas Trading for supporting the program for Romania.
Dr Dana Stoian has done her externship together with Dr Murat Saroglu in Istanbul, Turkey.
Let her tell us about this amazing experience!
After living in the last 2years only 2seasons (summer and super summer), thanks to Luba Gancheva and Vet On Balkans I had the perfect motive to enjoy a few days of normal climate and learn a little more about ophtalmology. And what a great place for all of this as well, Istanbul, Turkey!
I started my day walking thrilled towards the clinic and enjoyed every leaf fallen on the sideway, every cat that stopped me for a pet on the head and when I eventually arrived at the clinic, boom! Huge waiting line up untill the frontyard’s door.
I did my externship at Prof. Dr. Murat Șaroglu’s Eye Center, a small but well equiped practice on the Asian part of Istanbul. The first thing that surprised me was the waiting line. Wow, lots of cases! The clinic was opened 3 or 4 days a week, but those are some days!
I had soon to discover that the patients influx would maintain at least the same if not even it got more crowded during the examination day.
At the end of day1 I have counted 90cases, out of wich 5 were surgeries. Starting the next day I didn’t even had time to count anymore!
The clinic had 1 floor, with a spacious reception that would lead straight into the examination room at the ground floor and at the 1st floor an office and the surgery room.
The surgery room was equiped with a hemogram and biochemistry analizer, 2 different phacoemulsification devices, laser device, an ophtalmic surgical microscope and an inhalant anesthesia machine, altough all of the surgical cases received general anesthesia and not gas.
An eye examination usually consisted of a direct inspection, exam with the opthalmoscope, slit light, fluoresceine or Schirmer test were would be the case, almost always eye ultrasonography and fundoscopy.
80% of the patients I had the chance to see during my visit there were cats.
Turkey loves all animals but they surely have a thing for cats. Never anywhere had I seen cats as sociable and respected like in Istanbul.Actually, never had I seen stray animals so well taken care of and loved as in Istanbul. And big, chubby dogs sleeping in coffee shops, cats sleeping behind the doors in clothing stores or on a seat on the terrace of a restaurant.
On another note, back to my learning experience, I am happy I had the chance to observe and learn about surgical procedures from the most common, like a simple tarsoraphy to delicate procedures such as:
-cataract phacoemulsification surgery,
– pupilary reconstruction,
– surgical lens removal or intrascleral prosthesis placement,
– Sinblefaron reconstruction,
– eyelid surgeries,
-post-traumatic enucleations.
One very important note I took back home with me is that ultrasound should always be part of my examination.
The profesor and his team were nice to explain to me all of the history of each patient who came for a follow up consultation, altough time was short and appointments were waiting (80-100 cases per day). I learned here that with perseverance and patience even a disaster can be fixed. I saw kittens with minor corneal scars or no scarr at all instead of the mess they used to have for an eye 8weeks prior to the follow up.
I think it’s very important to relate to your patient and his caregiver with patience and in the same time use all of your weapons, have them come back for follow up as much as they need to, make sure your patient is confortable and DO THE ULTRASOUND.
I am definitely grateful for this experience, it’s quite important to travel and learn from your colleagues abroad, to learn how to work under different circumstances with different resources that you may or may not have acces to, with pathologies you may or may not see again.
Indeed such a great ideea Vet on the Balkans!
The city was also amazing, I strongly recommend to anyone to walk it’s streets up and downhills, enjoy a turkish breakfast on the Bosphorus Shore or try the old ottoman cuisine and terribly sweet and tasty baclava.
Many thanks to Luba Gancheva, prof. Dr. Murat Șaroglu and his lovely team at Veterinary Eye Center. I hope to see you all again!
Learn and Travel ….. story from vets
Dr Elena Nenciulescu from Romania has done her externship with Ana Nemec, DVM, PhD, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC at our project LEARN AND TRAVEL with Vets on The Balkans.
We would like to express our gratitude as well to The University of Ljubliana, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Slovenia for the opporunity!
Let her tell us her story:
Last week I had the amazing opportunity to assist Dr. Ana Nemec during dental procedures and dental consultations. It really was AMAZING!
I arrived in Ljubljana on Sunday, July 27th. I had a little rest and the next day my journey in the Slovenian world of veterinary dentistry began. The weekly schedule is usually like this: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are for dental procedures (2-3 cases per day) and Wednesday is only for consultations.
On the first day, Dr. Nemec showed me the clinic (very well equipped, with ultrasound machine, X-ray machine and CT). What really impressed me was the dentistry room. It is fantastic: dental unit, dental X-ray machine, dental table (custom made) and all dental instruments and materials that you need for dental materials for exodontics, endodontics, orthodontics, orthopaedics and oral surgery. It was like heaven for me!
All the dental procedures that I assisted had the following steps:
- Dental consultation under anaesthesia and filling the dental chart (using the periodontal probe, every tooth was examined – mobility, gingival retraction, furcation exposure, gingivitis, periodontal depth)
- Full mouth dental X-rays and interpretation
- Sonic scaling and polishing
- Surgical extractions (the teeth were extracted based on the clinical and radiological findings)
It is important to perform all steps correctly and not to miss any of them. 90% of dentistry cases in general practice are periodontal patients that need periodontal therapy, so this is what all vets should learn to do properly.
I had the chance to see a wide range of cases: mild to severe periodontal disease, stomatitis, tooth resorption, tooth avulsion, crown fractures, chin eosinophilic granuloma, peripheral odontogenic fibroma, intraosseous squamacell carcinoma, endodontic treatment re-check, but also cases of no dental disease that came in only to learn oral homecare which is also a big must for maintaining the oral health of our pets. All cases were discussed in detail.
Dr. Nemec is such a positive person, teaching dentistry is something natural for her. She answered all my questions (and there were many of them). I consider myself very lucky to be given this opportunity. I learned a lot!
But it was not all dental work for me last week, I also visited the city. Ljubljana is beautiful: the castle, the city centre, the museums, the Tivoli Park. It is worth visiting. I enjoyed my stay there very much. On Saturday, August 3rd I traveled back home.
Vets on the Balkans and Luba Gancheva, thank you for giving me this opportunity. Learn and Travel is a fantastic chance to grow professionally. Dr. Ana Nemec, thank you so much sharing all you knowledge with me! I am really grateful for this experience.
Learn and travel…a new story from Italy with Dr Marin Buchkov from Bulgaria
Dr Marin Buchov, a veterinarian from Bulgaria has done his internship in clinica Lago Maggiore in Italy! We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Luca Formaggini.Dr. Mariangela De Franco and Dr Luigi Venco for making this posssible,as well to our partnern Blue Sky Commerce and Pamas Trading for supporting Learn and Travel with Vets on The Balkans.
Dr Marin Buchkov are talking about his advanture:
In a rainy morning, after a long hours of driving I was welcomed by Dr. Amedeo Loss Pelle. He kindly prepared an Italian style coffee and gave me a tour around the clinic – well equipped and designed to be very practical. A clinic that can cover all the aspects of 21st century veterinary medicine – CT, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Digital X-Ray, Laboratory and modern surgery rooms…
During the next days I met all the vets – Dr. L.Formagini, Dr. M. De Franco, Dr. S. Manfredini, Dr. M. Silvola. Dr. G. Saggin, Dr. V. Galli, Dr. A. Prolo, Dr. C.Ferrari and Alberto. As expected, Dr. Formagini was the most experienced vet, the leader in the clinic. He always explains to the younger vets what, how and when to do the right thing. Amazing vet and skillful surgeon. I like the way he tries to do his job easy and simply, most of all practically.
Dr. Mariangela De Franco is the leading ultrasonographer. We had the chance to examine some patients together and have a discussion about best possible treatment.
Dr. Manfredini and Dr. Silvola – I believe they’re the energy of the clinic – always running from room to room, smiling and ready to help the patients.
Dr. Saggin – its difficult to say if her heart belongs to the veterinary medicine or climbing mountains, but she’s good in both
Dr. Loss Pelle, Dr. Prolo, Dr. Galli, Alberto – charming young vets, very easy to work with. Thank you for the tips of ‘real Italian pizza’ and ‘how to cook pasta’
Dr. Ferrari – thank you for helping me with accommodation.
I came all the way from Bulgaria mainly to see how Dr Luigi Venco extracts diroffilarias from CHW dogs. His colleagues from the clinic describe him as ‘genius’ and after a week of waiting to perform this surgery with him I can confirm – he is We had three patients from Hungary, all done in one afternoon. Professional job.
Other impressive thing I saw – Cystoscopic‐Guided Laser Ablation of Ectopic Ureters in a young female dog. Together Dr Formagini and his team performed this procedure in the clinic.
A lot of other interesting cases, but my favorite patient was Orazzio – english bulldog that had to say goodbye to what makes him ‘a man’ in order to urinate normally. After two cystotomy surgeries in the past (his bladder is so good in creating different types ot urinary stones..), a scrotal uretrostomy was performed. Even this way Orazzio is still charming and lovely
It is for sure useful to see how other vets do their everyday job. One thing (even the most simple one) could be done in many different ways and knowing them is what makes you a good vet. You can say the same for being a good person too… Thank you guys for being so kind to me and speaking English all the time I was there. You’re very good team, don’t forget this. Hope to see you soon somewhere around the world. You’re all welcome to Bulgaria!
Learn and Travel-Dr Renata Jelic from Serbia in Central Vet Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr Renata Jelic from Serbia has done her externship in Central Vet Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria
Lets see what she said about it:
“I would like to start by thanking Dr. Luba Gancheva and Vets on The Balkans for giving me a wonderful opportunity to spend a week in one of the best veterinary clinic on the Balkans. Together with my colleague I was warmly welcomed by Dr. Ranko Georgiev, the head of Central Veterinary Clinic in Sofia, a great expert and an exceptional man who provided accommodation for us and, more importantly, gave us free access to all parts of his clinic. And what a clinic it is. It spreads on three levels, all well organized and fully equip, in order to provide the best possible comfort and care for pet patients. Dr. Georgiev when out of his way to make sure that I used my time efficiently, constantly encouraging me to ask and participate. His help is immeasurable. Central Veterinary Clinic is the best vet clinic I ever had a chance to be a part of, even for a short while. One week is certainly not enough to experience and learn all that the great and professional staff was willing to teach me, but the knowledge and experience gained will sure help me improve as a veterinarian. One vet that I would like to give a special thanks to is Dr. Hristina Shukerova,
a person I spend most time with. She was always there for all my questions, she answered them professionally but with a touch of human emotion which made me fell as a part of the group, as a part of their team. As Dr. Shukerova’s field of expertise is cardiology, a field I wish to specialize in, she was able to help me greatly improve my knowledge in this area of veterinary practice. I will conclude this short look back on my week spent at Central Veterinarian Clinic in Sofia by sending my love and lots of smiles to all the staff working in this clinic, with a special big “Thank you” to Dr. Ranko Georgiev, Luba Gancheva and Vets on The Balkans for making this externship possible.”
We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Ranko Georgiev and the whole team of Central Vet clinic for make this possible!
New opportunity! Learn and Travel with Dr Ana Nemec!
Such a honor to have Ana Nemec, DVM, PhD, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC at our project LEARN AND TRAVEL with Vets on The Balkans.
More about Dr Ana Nemec: https://www.ananemec.si/en/about-me/
We would like to express our gratitude as well to The University of Ljubliana, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Slovenia for the opporunity! https://www.vf.uni-lj.si/
who recognizes the need to educate students but also vets in veterinary dentistry!
Because of the huge interest about our new opportunity and limitated places, we decide to make a game! So in that way to choose who will attend the program with Dr Ana Nemec!
Send your clinical case and you can be the vet who will spend one week with such a teacher
We are waiting for you at gancheva.vet@gmal.com till 30 of April!
So your case should not be high level of knowledge and something specific. Can be regular case, avaible in you everyday practice. We would like to see only you are passionate about veterinary dentistry!
Success to all of you!
Learn and Travel- New Story
Dr Cristian Badineci from Bucharest Romania, with the kindly support of Pamas Trading has done his internship in Central Vet Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. Let him tell us more about it:
I had the chance to attend a one-week internship in December 2018 at the Central Vet Clinic in Sofia. I recently heard of the Vets on The Balkans project from colleagues sharing the same passion: Cardiology. Thus, with the help of organizers Luba Gancheva and Pamas Trading I managed to come to Bulgaria to meet wonderful people.
The clinic is located in an area with green spaces, next to a zoo. I had a warm welcome and attention from Dr. Ranko Georgiev, who presented his colleagues and the tour of the clinic. It has a reception hall, a corridor to the large workroom. On the right corridor there are 3 consulting rooms, and on the left 3 imaging rooms. One for radiology and two for ultrasound. Also on the ground floor there are 2 surgical halls. In the basement there are the admissions stations, the meeting room.During my time here, I attended various cases of general medicine, emergency and surgery, but most of the time I spent in the cardiology department with Dr Marin Buckov, Dr Hristina Shukerova and Dr Ranko Georgiev. I have remarked their dedication to this discipline as well as vast experience in cardiology. They participated in numerous workshops and international congresses. I have witnessed many cases, both common like PS and AS, DCM, MVD, HCM, and distinguished, such as a Labrador with Cor Triatriatum Dextrum, a Jack Russell with Revers PDA. As far as cardiology is concerned, in the clinic can be made specialized consultations and any kind of interventions for solving cardiac diseases in dog, cat and exotic animals. Performing the necessary investigations in a timely manner, Those in critical situation are interned, stabilized and monitored. There are always staff checking out the clinical signs and administering the medication.During my time at the clinic I was impressed by the qualities of this team. I have met respect and common sense both towards people, animals and love for medicine. I witnessed an emergency in which a small dog was sprouted by a wild boar and had an open chest wound and internal haemorrhage. He arrived in hypovolemic shock. They quickly organized a mini intervention team and stabilized the puppy in 30 minutes. 5 people quickly took clinical signs, performed intubation, artificial respiration, 2-member venous approach, restored volley, stopped bleeding. In 15 minutes the surgery room was ready, and the surgery team performed the closing of torax. The next morning, this dog was barking and eating like nothing happened.I was impressed by a doctor who received a chinchilla with kidney failure. The animal was in critical condition since receiving had serious prognosis and died, but this doctor did not stop for 2 hours trying to save it.After this experience I can hardly wait to get back in our practice and apply the new working methods learned here. I attach some pictures of Dr. Ranko‘s interesting cardiology cases to which I have attended. I am very greatfull for this experience.
Vets on The Balkans express their gratitude to Centra Vet Clinic and Dr Ranko Georgiev for being part of Learn and Travel and as well to Pamas Trading for the strongly support as always!
LEARN AND TRAVEL….. NEW STORY! Dr Matei Alexandru at Central Vet clinic in Bulgaria
Dr Matei Alexandru from 3vet Original Project Clinic in Bucharest, Romania has done his externship at Central Vet Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. What he said about it:
Central Veterinary Clinc – Sofia – October /November 2018
To go to certain places you need friends, and sometimes you will find friends simply by hitting them in while you’re going through life. A rumor, a link and a helping hand at the right time if you know how to accept them will open your world. Luba, I met her through a rumor, my colleague Stefan made my connection and my helping hand came from Pamas Trading . And I accepted the challenge but a bit different from what was initially planned.
At first I was asked what I liked and I answered – Soft tissues surgery… when I got there I was asked again – What do you like? And I answered – ALL and I had the opportunity to see ALL at the clinic in Sofia .
I saw a waiting room full of people that was held by three receptionists. I went to three meeting rooms on a long hallway leading to the triage / urgent reception area, and in one corner a lab with all of a dedicated man surrounded by books. I went back through two ultrasound halls and stopped in a radilogy room used to its maximum value.
Many surgeons can be operated at once and I have enjoyed the idea and the fact that each surgeon has an anesthesiologist who will do his job very well, the surgeon being strictly focused on the surgical side. I have attended and participated in routine and to more complicated operations (new or older fractures remedies, chronic cases without hope of resolution). Through the hard work of dedicated people ,animals with no hope of healing, resumed their lives, and I have learned new things.
In the clinic everywhere is always a line. A line on which doctors walks and split the chaos of order. I tested my own skin because I tended to go into the surgery without a mask … it was a good lesson.
I saw smile, confidence and knowledge and felt the strength of a team. I have received the required information without retention, I have debated cases and I was involved in a differential diagnosis … I have seen desperately recovered cases but also the last breaths of patients for whom nothing could be done.
I have known dedicated doctors only for overnight patients focused on continuous monitoring, I have communicated with specilalists on exotic animal ,cardiology, ophthalmology, internal medicine, reproduction, neurochirurgia, orthopedics, dermatology, endoscopy, oncology … and I was pleasantly impressed of their level of knowledge and the fact that they want to share whit their colleagues the informations without asking for anything in return.I have been invited into their world for a short time to be witness at high-quality veterinary business build on trust and respect. Thank you Ranko Georgiev for accepting me in your house.
Dr Jelena Micic has done he externship in Central Vet Clinic in Sofia Bulgaria. Let her share with us:
“Thanks to Vets on the Balkans and Luba Gancheva, I had a chance to spend time from 14th do 22nd October this year at a great Central Veterinary Clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The clinic is amazing, with everything that you think you might need for veterinary medicine. Great place, which has stationary, x-ray, two amazing ultrasound machines, great laboratory, operating rooms, 24h service etc. and above all, experts in all fields of veterinary medicine, team that is not only made of great doctors but great people. First of all, I would like to thanks Dr Ranko Georgiev, who is amazing cardiologist with huge experience and unselfish of giving his knowledge to others. Open to all my questions and willing to answer all of them and explain everything from echocardiography, cardiology, x-ray and also abdominal ultrasound. As I started to write about cardiology, I had chance to meet Dr Marin Buchkov, a young doctor, who works alongside Dr Georgiev and probably is a future of Bulgarian cardiology. Now, about abdominal ultrasound that I am professionally interested in, I have to thanks Dr Miroslav Genov, expert in reproduction and Dr Kaloyan Voichev, who had patience for all of my questions and luckily I will attend at least one of his ultrasound workshops in the future.
Also, I saw some interesting cases in ophthalmology thanks to Dr Janica Dencheva. Interesting part of my externship was meeting Dr Gergana Georgieva and Dr Melinda De Mul, who are interested in exotic animals. Even I don’t have so much contact with these kind of pets, they explained me a lot of cases and give chance to see, for example, an ultrasound exams and x-rays of exotic. Also I had chance to see and learn from Dr Yordan Stoyanov, Dr Nadia Mihalopoulou and Dr Yordan Yordanov. Special thanks to (of course also great doctors) Dr Tome Peychinovski, dermatologist and ultrasonographer and Dr Iva Dimitrievska, who spend her free day for tour of Sofia with me , and gave me that privilege to meet their family and spend the beautiful day with them.
There wasn’t just work. We also spend very pleasant night out with delicious food, drink and talks, speaking in Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian and English. Contacts that I made during this stay at the clinic are, hopefully, something that will last for a long time. I was really lucky to have opportunity for this externship, thanks once again to Dr Luba Gancheva and great invention, Vets on the Balkans.”