Veterinary Clinic Ruse, Bulgaria
Clinical case
Case description
Dog , male , entire, five years old was evaluated because of signs of hair loss. The name of the dog is Ares. He lives in apartment with his owners.
About two years ago the dog has easily epilated hairs. The coat is typically thin on the neck , on the head and on the trunk symmetrically. The is crusts on the all body. Some parts of the skin are depigmented. Alopecia is growing to the tail. Hair regrowth non existent.It was unhappy dog.
Diagnostic approach
- Skin tests
- Brushing test- a lot of crusts
- Scotch test – negative
- Cytology – negative
- Scratch test – negative
- Trichogram – more hairs in telogen phase
- Blood test – FT4 7.84 pmol/l
-Levothyroxine 10micrograms/ kg/2twise daily
-Dermoscent – ones a week, for four weeks
– washing with Sebolytic
There are visible results two months after therapy and the dog regained his previous behavior.
Blood test after therapy – FT4 19.17pmol/l