Fibrosarcoma in rabbit


Dr Spas Spasov

Dr Spas Spasov

United veterinary Clinic Varna, Bulgaria


Fibrosarcoma in rabbits are malignancy rapidly grow soft tissues tumor. Can affect cats dogs and rabbits . The couse of fibrosarcoma in rabbit also can be a viral infection (polyomavirus, malignant rabbit fibroma virus)

Clinical case

Case description
Rabbit, female , entire , 5 years old was evaluated because of sings of anorexia and apathy .
The owners reported  that a week ago the rabbit progressively stops  eating. The last two days it didn’t eat at all. Тhe rabbit has regularly deworming and vaccination.
The rabbit eats hay and rabbit granules only and lives in an apartment and  never go outside, there are no others animals in the apartment.

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Clinical manifestations
Anorexia, cachexia, apathy, unilateral uveitis, normal temperature (38.5).
Clinical examination revealed all of the body (back, neck, abdomen and all the legs) nodules, which are not painful, mobile, not tempered and pigmented .The size of the nodules was variable from 1 to 5 centimeters.
Some nodules were ulcerated and bleeding, and still painless. Such formations are not observed in the nose and the ears, and the front part of the head.
Diagnostic approach:
We did not find any abnormalities on the X-ray examination of the chest and abdomen. A nodule was surgically removed by cutting.
Symptomatic therapy was appointed until the results of the histopathological examination:
Metoclopramide-0,5mg / kg
Ranitidine-4 mg / kg
Simethicone-65mg / rabbit
Meloxicam-1mg / kg
Enrofloxacin, 10 mg / kg
Intravenous infusion Hartman 4ml / kg / hour.
So designated therapy lasted about 10 days pending the results of pathological examination The condition of the animal slightly improved, which is expressed in phrases in appearance of appetite. The animal took small amounts of food.


The prognosis for this type of tumors is garded to poor. Because of poor condition of the patient and the prognosis owners decided to euthanased the rabbit.

2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV in Bucharest , Romania


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV

” What are the causes of hair loss? Focal and diffuse alopecia”


Professor David Lloyd – PhD, DipECVD


Anette Loeffler – DrMedVet PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS


John Hardy – DVM Dipl ECVD


Prof. Viorel Andronie


Dr. Rares Capitan, Resident ECVD

was the subject at 2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV in Bucharest, Romania. Speakers were : Professor David Lloyd – PhD, DipECVD; Anette Loeffler – DrMedVet PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS; John Hardy – DVM Dipl ECVD, Prof. Viorel Andronie, Dr. Rares Capitan – Resident ECVD, Dr. Boncea Ana-Maria – Resident ECVD, Daniela Enache – DVM. M.Sc. PhDS

The Romanian Veterinary Dermatology Society (SRDV) is an association founded in 2014 by eight veterinarians and university professors from different institutions, all of them driven by the same passion for Veterinary Dermatology.

All of the income and profits obtained from sponsorships, taxes, congresses and professional meetings, are dedicated to our current activities such as specific event organization, scientific and research activities and other initiatives of common interest for its members. The official language is Romanian.


Dr. Boncea Ana-Maria – Resident ECVD

SRDV is task oriented in publishing original studies realized with classic and modern methods in the field of Veterinary Dermatology and Dermatopathology and related departments, registering as a society who promotes professional and medical knowledge.


Daniela Enache – DVM. M.Sc. PhDS

Also, The Romanian Veterinary Dermatology Society (SRDV) is oriented towards forming and promoting opinions about the research made in the field of Veterinary Dermatology and it is engaged as well in maintaining a dialogue or sharing thoughts about the research and its impact on the Dermatology practice.

Our goals include improving our clinical experience, organizing high quality scientific events attended by international figures from ECVD and ACVD, and publishing clinical cases or specific cases that need a special clinical approach. SRDV particularly addresses to veterinarians, but other professions related to this field are targeted as well.

At the same time, SRDV will translate in Romanian and offer to its members for medical guidance, different Guides of Procedures and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Protocols, known and recognized worldwide.

The team of Vets on The Balkans were guests at the congress and we would like to express our gratitude to SRDVand especially to Dr Rares Capitan!

Our colleague Dr Daniela Enche was a speaker there, proud of you!


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


Dr Robert Popa


2nd Annual Dermatology Congress of SRDV


Bulgarian vets at the congress

More info :

Demodicosis in adult cross breed dog secondary to corticosteroids treatment


Dr Svetlina Alexandrova DVM, Member of ESVD


  Medical history
Lora, 4-year-old female cross breed dog, was presented for large area of erythema and pustules on the left flank and squamosis zones on the dorsum. There was a mild pruritus. This dog was diagnosed with erhlichiosis and anaplasmosis one month ago and she was treated with injectable dexamethasone and oral doxycycline by her veterinarian. The general condition during the first consultation a month ago was poor with lethargy, icterus and anorexia. 7 days before the presentation the general condition of the dog was much better but skin lesions started to appear. The dog has never had any skin problems before.


Clinical examination


Fig.1 Small areas on the dorsum with squamosis


Fig 2 Areas with alopecia, erythema, comedones and crusts


Fig. 3 Erythema, papules, pustules and crusts on the left flank


Fig.4 Closer view to fig.3

Clinical examination revealed small areas on the dorsum with squamosis (fig.1) and alopecia, some areas with alopecia, erythema, comedones and crusts (fig. 2). The most prominent lesion was a large area with erythema, papules, pustules and crusts on the left flank (fig.3 and fig 4).




Fig.5a Scotch test


Fig.5b Scotch test


Fig.6 Pyogranulomatous inflammation – neutrophils and macrophages


Fig.7 Figure of phagocytosis


Fig.8 Demodex in impression smear

Skin scrapings were positive with Demodex canis in all microscopic fields. There were more than 100 Demodex spp visible on skin scraping slide. Demodex canis was visible on the scotch tests as well (fig.5a and fig.5b). Microscopic observation of impression smears revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation (degenerated neutrophils and macrophages)(fig.6) with figures of phagocytosis (fig.7) and Demodex spp (fig.8) as well.
The diagnosis is Demodicosis, probably secondary to treatment with corticosteroids, and secondary deep pyoderma.

The acaricidal therapy was with oral ivermectin. The ivermectin administation started with gradual dose increase from 0,05 mg/kg on day 1,0,1 mg/kg on day 2, 0,15 mg/kg on day 3, 0,2 mg/kg on day 4, 0,3 mg/kg on day 5, 0,4 mg/kg on day 6 and 0,5 mg/kg on day 7 and keeping this dose for 30 days until the first scraping control. Because of the presence of infection antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin-clavulonic acid was started (15 mg/kg BID for 30 days until first control).Topical antimicrobial therapy with benzoyl peroxide (Peroxyderm, Vetoquinol) every 3 days was also recommended. All kind of steroids was stopped.



Fig. 9 11 months later

The dogs supported very well all components of the treatment. 35 days after the first dose of ivermectin, skin scrapings were performed and there were 5 demodex ssp seen in total. The clinical lesions were gone at least 7 days ago, so the antibiotic was stopped, the shampooing was diminished in frequency (once weekly), the ivermectin was continued at 0,5 mg/kg for 30 more days. 65 days after the initial presentation, skin scrapings were performed and they stayed positive with 4 Demodex found on the slide. The ivermectin was continued for 30 more days. Approximately 95 days after the initial examination, skin scrapings were negative for the first time so the ivermectin was continued for 30 more days. 125 days after the initial presentation the skin scrapings were negative for second time. Complete resolution of the previous clinical lesions was seen in the first 30 days of the treatment, but the treatment stopped after 2 negative skin scrapings control. Pictures are taken 11 months after the first dermatological consultation (Fig. 9). There wasn`t any relapse for 7 months after the last ivermectin dose.

When the dogs first experience the disease at 4 years of age or older, they have true adult-onset demodicosis. This form of demodicosis is rare. When it occurs, different underlying conditions are recongnized. Such disorders are hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, leishmaniasis, malignant neoplasia, immunosuppressive treatments for cancer or autoimmune diseases. In more than 50% of cases, no underlying disease can be proven at the time of diagnosis demodicosis.
In this case the precious corticosteroids treatment, the complete recovery and the lack of relapse for more than 6 months after the last ivermectin dose indicate that the main possible reason is the corticosteroid treatment.

Small Animal Dermatology, 7th edition, Miller, Griffin, Campbell, 2013